Tivoli Docks Master Plan

P  l  a  c  e    +   E  d  g  e
M A S T E R P L A N  F O R  T I V O L I  D O C K S  2 0 0 9

Place + Edge

Place : The Port remains a Port, a destination, and continues to be industrious

Edges : Hard + Soft + Cut :

An island is formed by Existing Railway
Waters Edge is increased
Secondary Routes form Edge Connections

Tivoli Docks : Master Plan 
Tivoli Docks, a reclaimed landscape of shipping containers formed the context for two projects, a master planning project and a subsequent project for a Concert Hall. In the Master Plan it was envisaged to maintain the sense of place and to keep the port as a port, a destination which continues to be industrious. The treatment of Edges was seen as vital to the schemes success. Hard, Soft and Cut Edges were formed. A canal was run adjacent to the existing railway line. A large body of water was taken into the site which increased edges and a large body of water was taken into the site which formed a new relationship  across the claimed landscape.

Program investigations included a city styled airport [London City Airport] and accommodating a number of  ware house retail [IKEA] style units. It was envisaged that the aircraft runway could be created to attract low cost airlines by competing with the International Airport which operates at national level rather than regional. The existing rail infrastructure would be an advantage over the International Airport, as well as the proximity of the site to the southern city ring road tunnel. The addition of river ferries to the south bank of the river would create a positive new condition for not just the site, but the entire eastern side of the city.